Confidence Challenge


Join us for a Confidence Booster Challenge in June! Pro coach Jess Bandit will load you up with new tools and routines to improve your self-confidence on the track (and off), so you can silence the negative inner voice, and live up to your true potential. 

This challenge will run June 5 to July 3! Content will be primarily provided via email and private Facebook group.

Are you a Member at RDA? Challenges are free! Grab yours here.

WHAT – A four week Challenge to build your confidence through Mental Skills Training.
WHERE – Anywhere your brain travels!

WHEN June 5th to July 3rd

WHY – No matter how much you train on and off the derby track, if you don’t believe in yourself, you’ll never achieve your goals and desires.

WHO – Anyone who wants to learn how to give their confidence a boost

HOW – Learn what makes up your confidence, and new mental training techniques each week to build it up and make it as strong as you are! 

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Join us for a Confidence Booster Challenge in June! Work with pro coach Jess Bandit to learn new tools and routines to improve your self-confidence on the track (and off). 

This challenge will run June 5 to July 3! Content will be primarily provided via email and private Facebook group.

Each week we will be focussing on a different skill or self-awareness study. You’ll have a chance to practice new mental tricks and strategies at practice (or your bouts) each week. You’ll get exercises and worksheets to help you make the most of this special coaching opportunity. Prepare for lift-off!


  1. Jenny Ollila

    Loved this! Confidence Challenge really helped me to check my mental strategies. Got some new tools that I will use in practice and bouts. Thank Booty and Jess <3 This was just what I needed.

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