Why Roller Derby Athletics?

My derby name is Booty Quake, and I've been playing and coaching roller derby since 2007. It's my mission at Roller Derby Athletics to empower every roller derby athlete to be safe, strong, and unstoppable.
I take the mystery out of cross-training, giving skaters the tools and inspiration to transform their game, without a lot of equipment or time.
I provide sport-specific training programs and resources to help skaters around the world achieve their best.
In doing so, I abide by these core values. Without exception, RDA is:
- Safe: Injury prevention is the first priority of all Roller Derby Athletics training programs.
- Inclusive: I focus on outcomes and abilities, not appearance. Every athlete’s sweat counts equally, whether you’ve never exercised before, or you’re a total gym rat.
- Authentic: I'm a real person, and a derby athlete like you. I doesn’t expect perfection; I request your best effort. I won’t suggest you buy a program if it’s not what you really need.
- Challenging: I will kick your ass, and you’ll thank me for it!
Read more about what makes us tick…
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Meet Booty Quake
A coach, an athlete, and a roller derby player.
Booty Quake (#8) started playing roller derby with the Terminal City Rollergirls in 2007, and skated with Toronto Roller Derby in 2015-2016. She has led and coached at all levels over the years: as League President, captain of the All-Star Team, Head Coach of Fresh Meat, and Head of Training. (Not all at the same time – that would be nuts!).
Effective off-skate training and an extensive sports background (NCAA Division 1 Rowing, among others) have had a major impact on Booty’s own success in derby, and she has helped thousands of athletes around the world on that journey too. Booty loves using her knowledge to help other skaters grow. Roller Derby Athletics is her vehicle to bring this knowledge and skill to the wider derby community.
Booty currently lives and skates in Vancouver, BC. When she’s not skating the sea wall, you can probably find her hunting down the city's best bourbon cocktail or hiking in the mountains. As she says in her training videos, she’s here to “kick your ass, so you can go kick someone else’s.”
Meet Lilith NoFair
As a certified Precision Nutrition coach and our Derby in the Kitchen contributor, Lilith NoFair doesn’t just want you to “eat better”. She wants to help you develop healthy habits that will carry you through a lifetime. In addition to her nutrition credentials, Laura Wombwell is a personal trainer, kettlebell specialist, and roller derby skater with Tri-City Roller Girls in Kitchener, Ontario. She maintains her own blog and fitness training business at How We Roll Fitness.
If you are interested in remote personal training or nutrition coaching at special rates for Roller Derby Athletics readers, use the contact form below to get in touch!
Meet Jess Bandit
“Jess Bandit” is well known and much feared as a former Team Canada skater, and powerhouse for Montreal’s New Skids on the Block… and also happens to hold a Master of Human Kinetics in Intervention and Consultation in Sport.
A professional member with the Canadian Sport Psychology Association, Jess Paternostro has worked with amateur competitive athletes and coaches to help them strength their mental game through teaching mental skills training and preparation. She has worked within a variety of sports: such as boxing, hockey, basketball, judo, sailing, soccer, ballet, wrestling, and roller derby.
In addition to coaching Roller Derby Masculin Montreal (MRDA), Jess was the assistant coach for Men’s Team Canada at the 2014 and 2016 World Cup, and is head coach of Women’s Team Canada for the 2017 World Cup.
Giving Back
Roller Derby Athletics believes in the power of sports in changing lives and communities, especially for young women. We are proud to donate 2% of profits from sales of our training programs to the Girls on Track Foundation. Find out more about Girls On Track!
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