Ingredients You Should Be Using: Flax

Know how I'm always going on about how you need more Omega-3s in your diet? Well, today's ingredient is here to help! Especially if you're vegan/vegetarian and can't eat fish or fish oil. Flax is ready to help you hit your healthy fat targets! Today's In…

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Get VIP Early Access!

I am so excited to announce the news. Roller Derby Athletics is getting an APP! Soon you will be able to access all your Roller Derby Athletics training and workouts on your Android or Apple device. There are so many great features coming, I can't list t…

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Ingredients You Should Be Using: Kimchi

When you're eating healthy, it can be easy to eat the same things over and over again (heck, I even encourage it in Derby Fuel). Usually, we have our favourites - those dishes that are easy to make and that we know we'll enjoy. Having a few solid staples …

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Comfort Food: CHEESE

To round out our comfort food series, we had a request from RDA fan, Erin Hanusa to address the most awesome comfort food ever - CHEESE. Oh cheese, how would we ever make you healthier? Cheese, in and of itself, isn't too bad for you. It's that we ten…

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Comfort Food: Burger & Onion Rings

Now we're getting to my favourite kind of comfort food - BURGERS! I love burgers in a pretty serious way. But I also love my health, so it was important for me to find a way to skip the McD's, and make something that my body thank me for. I know, I know…

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Comfort Food: Fettuccine Alfredo and Garlic Bread

Grey, rainy Spring days always make me want to bundle up and spend the day in bed with some puppies. Also, they make me crave comfort food. I don't know about you, but one of my most comforting of comfort foods is pasta of all different sorts. All kinds o…

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Headings Test

paragraph text paragraph text paragraph text paragraph text paragraph text paragraph text  Heading 1 paragraph text paragraph text paragraph text paragraph text paragraph text paragraph text  Heading 2 paragraph text paragraph text parag…

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Lions and Tigers and Bear Crawls

Are you doing bear crawls yet? If not, you've gotta try 'em! A great warmup, coordination training, and core strengthening movement that will get you going! Check out the video here.…

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How to Sneak Vegetables Into Everything

Ah, veggies! Nature's candy! It's often easy to get lots of veggies in the summer when things are in season and you can pop out to the garden, but what about in the middle of winter? How can you make sure that you're getting enough vegetables when all you…

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Giving Back.

Did you know? Roller Derby Athletics already gives 1% to Girls on Track, a foundation founded to increase awareness of and access to roller derby for girls in their teens. And this January, I've decided to give a little extra! For every person who purcha…

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Protected: RDA’s Rollercon 2016 Handouts

This content is password protected. To view it please enter your password below: Password: …

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Breaking Your Fast

So, how was Intermittent Fasting? Straight talk - Intermittent Fasting was really easy for me.  I spent much of my life skipping breakfast and lunch, then eating a big dinner.  To be honest, eating 6 meals a day would be FAR more challenging for me t…

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Intermittent Fasting

What does "Intermittent Fasting" Mean?Intermittent Fasting (IF, also called, in various permutations, The Warrior Diet, Lean Gains, 5:2, Eat Stop Eat) is an dietary intake pattern that has become popular in the last few years.  There is a period of fasti…

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Keeping You Going – On the Go!

Food to-go doesn't have to come from the drive-through. With a tiny commitment of time, you can have super tasty, healthy meals, no matter how busy you are.Derby skaters are busy people and we don't always have tons of time for meal prep. A little bit of …

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Champs Watching Party? Here’s How to Get Your Snack On!

So, all of us will be watching WFTDA Championships next weekend, enjoying some great derby and not really thinking out all the snacks we'll be scarfing...right?Well, with a little bit of advanced planning, we can make sure that our Champs-watching snacks …

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Coconut Water

Sports performance! We all want more of it! There are all sorts of potions and supplements out there that will claim to boost the hard work we're doing on the track - but what really works and what's a scam?Since Booty and I only want what's best for you,…

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Did you know? If you become an All-Star Annual subscriber, you can automatically get 25% off any training program. Just add both to your shopping cart, and the discount will be applied automatically!…

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Receive 25% off any training program when you sign up for an All-Star Access Annual Pass! Just add both to your shopping cart, and the discount will be applied automatically.…

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One-Time Special Offer!

Save 10% and add the Pump Up Your Jam training program for only $40 more --- Guarantee your spot in the next round of Pump Up Your Jam --- It’s a great combination of programs – target your fundamental core strength first, then apply your new abili…

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