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Update Your Membership

Rock On. Looks like you’re interested in locking in a preferred “faithful member” rate for your ongoing training with RDA! I’m really stoked to have you on board and to introduce you to all the great new features of the app that wi…

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Get The App

Let’s do this! The new app and the new MVP plan makes it easier for me to deliver a TON of great value. You can review the features here. In essence, the MVP plan becomes a semi-customized program where I help select and schedule the workout progra…

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Platinum Training Plan

Amazing! Sounds like you're someone who is really committed to being your best, whether it's in daily life, or out there on the track. Joining the Platinum Plan means you'll get completely customized workouts and training support designed specifically f…

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Option 2 – Hold Tight

Let’s do this. Looks like you’re *not* interested in locking in a preferred “faithful member*” rate for your ongoing training with RDA… Fair enough! If you change your mind and want to lock in savings of $20/month, you can ch…

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Option 1 – Update

Rock On. Looks like you’re interested in locking in a preferred “faithful member” rate for your ongoing training with RDA! I’m really stoked to have you on board and to introduce you to all the great new features of the app that wi…

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RollerCon 2017 Class Notes

It was an complete pleasure meeting so many wonderful, dedicated, fun athletes at RollerCon this year! I loved helping people learn more about how they can use their bodies to their advantage, both on and off skates. I am happy to share these notes with …

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Get VIP Early Access!

I am so excited to announce the news. Roller Derby Athletics is getting an APP! Soon you will be able to access all your Roller Derby Athletics training and workouts on your Android or Apple device. There are so many great features coming, I can't list t…

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Confidence Challenge #7

In the last mini-challenge, you were asked to create Powerful Routines to gain control and confidence when faced with your Confidence Killers.   Your Powerful Routines could include: Confidence Boosters Positive Self-Talk  / Reframing Your Though…

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Confidence Challenge #6

Time for a recap on our Confidence Challenge journey thus far... At the beginning of the challenge you were asked to: Reflect on what confidence means to you! (how you act-feel-think) Create and use Confidence Boosters on a DAILY basis Acknowledg…

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Confidence Challenge #5

In the last challenge I asked you to start to reflect on the moments where your confidence drains. By knowing what your Confidence Killers are, it's easy to plan and prepare for these moments. In this part of the Confidence Challenge, I want you to take …

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Confidence Challenge

Confidence Challenge #4

We’ve been working on finding and acknowledging your strengths as a roller derby athlete. In the last challenge, we asked you to create a Pre-Practice Confidence Routine. The goal was to boost your confidence before every practice. Remember that your r…

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Confidence Challenge

Confidence Challenge #3

One week down! Last week was all about building up our confidence. We know that we all have our own individual strengths, as well as personal moments that boost our confidence.  Challenge #3 is all about taking what we learned and applying it to roller d…

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Confidence Challenge #2 –

Finding your Strengths as an Athlete Remember that... Self-awareness, perseverance, and reflection are key to improving your self-confidence! You need to be aware of how your body reacts (thoughts, feelings, and actions). If you don’t know what …

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Confidence Challenge #1

What is Confidence? Since this is our first exercise together in the challenge, I'm copying this intro from the Challenge Home Page here - we want to make sure we're all on the same page to get started! Confidence in itself is a pretty general term. Dep…

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Mental Muscle Confidence Challenge Home

Here's your home base for all the downloads, links, and instructions you need for the Confidence Challenge. Prepare for lift-off! Challenge Basic Info: Each week we will focus on a different skill or self-awareness study. You'll have a chance to prac…

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Sun’s Out Gun’s Out Challenge Home

Your one stop home base for all the content you’ll need to ace this challenge! Guidelines for a Safe Challenge: Warm up first! Routine is here. Don’t do it if it hurts. Stop, rest, email Booty Quake. If you start to feel joint pain during or …

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Your 10% Days

We’ve talked about how 90% compliance is as good as 100%, and you’ve given yourself permission to enjoy some of those 10% foods. Yahoo! Let’s get SNACKIN’, AMIRIGHT?? The challenge is that our favourite indulgences represent the foods tha…

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Eating On the Road

… Or, How To Not Be That Weirdo With a Cooler! It’s all well and good to follow a meal-plan and stick to your habits when you’re in the comfort of your own home, but what about when you’re on the road and you don’t have the ingredients or to…

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What to Eat on Practice and Game Days?

As a derby skater, you’re probably almost always at practice. We all know that we need to eat well so that we can give our absolute best each time we hit the rink, but what does that mean? What should I eat before practice? There’s no ONE righ…

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Start your Engine! Your Derby Fuel Jumpstart Guide

Get Ready!  We’re about to fuel up and roll out! But before we get going there are a few things we need to address: Your Kitchen Your Shopping Trips Grocery Day Ritual Evening Ritual General Food Preparation Tips: Prepping your proteins Grains and legu…

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Week 1

 Ready to hit the road?   Fantastic!  Booty and I can’t wait to come along for this journey with you! Here’s your WEEK ONE PLAN  – more info on this below. Since you’ve (hopefully) read through the info on the Derby Fuel Home …

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Week 2

HOW’S THE JOURNEY SO FAR?   Hope you’re feeling good and enjoying incorporating some new nutritional habits! Don’t feel alone if you’re feeling challenged – old habits are often hard to break, but making a conscious decisio…

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Week 3

HOW ARE YOU FEELING?  HOW ARE YOU FUELING? Hope things are going well, and that you’re starting to feel pretty comfortable with the habits and the process.  Through the whole Derby Fuel plan, we hope you’re learning new skills and remember…

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Week 4

HOME STRETCH!  HOW ARE THINGS GOING? You’ve made it so far!  Congratulations!  We hope that over the past few weeks, you’ve been incorporating the habits and making some lasting changes to the way you look at your meal planning.  Remember,…

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better burpees

Better Burpees, Eight Ways

Good news! Burpees are for winners! Bad news! You might not be doing them very well... Burpees can be a wonderful exercise, building strength, power, and endurance all in one delicious, muscle-burning move. But there are some mistakes to watch out fo…

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Day 1

Here is your first Fresh Meat Five! Today we are focussing in on the most important ingredient in your derby fitness: your core! That might sound boring, but don’t worry, there are no crunches to be found here. Instead I’ll walk you through f…

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Day 2

Here’s Five More Fresh Meat Moves Yesterday was all about core activation and strengthening. But did you know that your hips and pelvis are all considered to be part of your core too? Your glutes (there are officially three – Gluteus maximus, …

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Day 3

Here we go with your next five moves! Hey there, Fresh Meat Friend. Thanks for sticking with me through this. Our first two days might have seemed less exciting than you were hoping for. Maybe the moves were a little less dynamic than you were expectingÂ…

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Day 4

Here are your next five moves! Today we are really starting to focus in on lower body strength – recruiting and strengthening more of the muscles you’ll need to help you skate stronger and have crisp stops and punchy acceleration. For today…

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Day 5

Here’s your last 5 moves! Yahoo! We’ve already gone through twenty new derby fitness moves that are going to absolutely rocket you through your fresh meat training. Now for the last five! Today’s Fresh Meat Five are a selection of slig…

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Offseason training

Guide to Off-Season Training

Guess what? I missed my third birthday.It's true. Roller Derby Athletics turned three in October, and I was so busy helping athletes kick ass that I forgot to properly celebrate. Good thing those WFTDA Championships helped me celebrate in a different way,…

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Day 1

  Here’s your Day One workout! Squats x 20 Push-ups x 10 Side lunges x 15/side Sumo Squats x 15 (slow!) Tricep Push-ups x 10 Cross-Under Squats x 15/side Good Mornings x 20 Reminders: Watch the video all the way through and get familiar with ea…

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Day 2

  Here’s your Day Two workout!   Bird Dogs x 30, alternating sides Ab Leg Lifts x 15 Side Lifts x 10/side Marching Bridge x 20 steps Walking Push-up x 12 Prisoner Get-Ups x 6/side Supermans x 20 Reminders: Watch the video all the way thro…

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Day 3

  Here’s your Day Three workout!   Split Squat x 20/side Good mornings x 25 Wall Sit x 30s Push-ups x 12 1 leg squat x 30s/side Bicycle Sit-ups x 16 Fire Hydrants x 8/side Forward Leanover Lunges x 10/side Reminders: Watch the video all t…

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Day 4

  Here’s your Day Four workout!   Single Leg Deadlift x 15 each side Praying Mantis Planks x 10 Sumo Squat Tiptoe x 15 Supermans x 20 Flying Plank Push-ups x 12 Lunge twist x 16 One foot balance eyes closed x 30s/side Reminders: Watch the…

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Day 5

  Here’s your Day Five workout!   Yahoo! Last day of the week! Today, we Push It… and you’ll want a stopwatch or an interval timer to help you out. Check your email for some suggestions. Split Squats x 30s/side Walking Push-ups…

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The Gun Show – All-Star extras

 Hi All-Stars!Your printable handout is here! [rda_video video_url=""] â€¦

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Think of your general physical fitness like a pyramid. Basic muscular control – the ability to stand upright, walk, and maybe run a few steps are like the base of that pyramid. Next comes stamina – the ability of the body to process oxygen and energy …

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Week 1

Stability, Strength + Stride Mechanics This week we are focussed on building a very strong foundation for your skating and stride. We can’t sprint before we can walk, so we’re going to work hard on lower body strength, stability, and mechanics. We wan…

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Week 2

Dynamic Strength + Building Endurance Last week was intent on building basic strength and body mechanics for skating efficiently. One week alone of this will not be enough to make a significant difference, so we continue with the foundations we started to…

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Week 3

Speed Week! Time to light a fire – we’ve been working hard on foundations, and this week it’s time to put them to the test with more jumpity-jumps. I say it’s time to light a fire, cause this week’s workouts are definitely going to burn…! Weâ€â€¦

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Week 4

Turn on the Turbo Boosters… It’s crunch time, friend. Last week of the program, and time to step up our game and really push to the finish line! The first workout of the week takes us back to basics, and at this point, might even feel (gasp!) easy…

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Week 1

Highlights this week include doing your baseline fitness test, building strength, and setting the groundwork for the intensity that’s coming up later in the program. Here’s the plan for your week: WORKOUT CHECKLIST Baseline test  1 Steady State w…

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Week 2

We continue our focus on endurance and strength. This week we Build!  The schedule for this week is probably the toughest in the whole program. Make sure to plan ahead, and do your best to stick with it! Here’s the plan for your week: WORKOUT CHECKLIST…

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Week 3

We add Plyometric work and more interval training. This week we Push! You are doing so great! So proud of you for committing to this, and working through the challenges. Keep up the great work!! Here’s the plan for your week: WORKOUT CHECKLIST 1 x Plyom…

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Week 4

Pump It Up! We get serious with plyo and intervals… Here’s the plan for your week: WORKOUT CHECKLIST 1 x Plyometric workout 2 x Sprint Interval workouts 2 or 3 rounds of the Core workout (See notes) 2 x A.M. Strength 1 to 3 on-skate practices Opt…

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Week 5

Pull it back: time to recover and renew Here’s the plan for your week: WORKOUT CHECKLIST 1 x Steady State 2 rounds of the combined Core/Strength workout 1 to 3 x on-skate practice Something Fun!  PLANNING TIPS  This is a week to let your body catch u…

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Week 6+

Attack! Re-energize and reach new limits this week, leading up to the Finish Line Test! Here’s the plan for your next 10 days – you’re almost there!! Bravo! We’re including week 6 here, and the last 3 days of the 45-day program! Now is you…

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Week 1

Fundamental Core Strength Simple, low-effort exercises that are harder than they look! THIS WEEK: You’ll do your Baseline Test, and do Workout One three times. In Week 1, we are focussed on building your fundamental core strength and stability. By focus…

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Week 2

Increasing fundamental stamina – Pushing muscle fatigue to build up your stable base.   THIS WEEK: You’ll do Workout Two three or four times this week. As with last week, try to leave a day in between Core workouts where you’re not doing targe…

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Week 3

Kicking the intensity up a notch   THIS WEEK You’ll do Workout Three and Workout Four, twice each. Now things start to get interesting! Congratulate yourself for sticking through the first couple of weeks, grinding it out! You should be starting to…

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Week 4

Challenging your strength and stability   THIS WEEK Once again this week there are two routines, and you should do each one twice. Do Workout 5 twice, then progress to Workout 6. Now that you’ve perfected your fundamental moves, it’s time to just…

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Which Program is Right for You?

We have compared the details of all the training programs to help determine which one is going to give you exactly the results you're looking for. Compare our Programs…

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