Ketogenic Diet: The Lowdown on High Fat

If you keep on top of diet trends, then you've almost certainly heard of the Ketogenic Diet (or Keto). If you haven't, trust me, you will. It's a method of eating that's gaining more popularity in the bodybuilding and strength community, and inevitably, i…

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Ingredients You Should Be Using: Flax

Know how I'm always going on about how you need more Omega-3s in your diet? Well, today's ingredient is here to help! Especially if you're vegan/vegetarian and can't eat fish or fish oil. Flax is ready to help you hit your healthy fat targets! Today's In…

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Ingredients You Should Be Using: Chickpeas

Do you feel like you're not getting enough protein or enough veggies in your diet? Well, here's a solution - more chickpeas! Since they are a legume, chickpeas are considered both a vegetable and protein, giving you twice the bang for your buck! Today's …

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Ingredients You Should Be Using: Turmeric

Yeah, yeah, I know we've talked about how great turmeric is before, but we've never talked about how to cook with it! So, let's get the science out of the way, and talk about some delicious curries and spicy dishes! Today's Ingredient: Turmeric What is …

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Ingredients You Should Be Using: Kimchi

When you're eating healthy, it can be easy to eat the same things over and over again (heck, I even encourage it in Derby Fuel). Usually, we have our favourites - those dishes that are easy to make and that we know we'll enjoy. Having a few solid staples …

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grow your veggies

Grow Your Fitness (and some Veggies)!

Ah, Springtime, when everything starts to grow! As I've gotten older, I've learned to love gardening. It's not just the magic of planting something and then, through hard work and a little love, having it turn into something else. It's that I am cheap.…

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Comfort Food: CHEESE

To round out our comfort food series, we had a request from RDA fan, Erin Hanusa to address the most awesome comfort food ever - CHEESE. Oh cheese, how would we ever make you healthier? Cheese, in and of itself, isn't too bad for you. It's that we ten…

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Comfort Food: Burger & Onion Rings

Now we're getting to my favourite kind of comfort food - BURGERS! I love burgers in a pretty serious way. But I also love my health, so it was important for me to find a way to skip the McD's, and make something that my body thank me for. I know, I know…

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Comfort Food: Fettuccine Alfredo and Garlic Bread

Grey, rainy Spring days always make me want to bundle up and spend the day in bed with some puppies. Also, they make me crave comfort food. I don't know about you, but one of my most comforting of comfort foods is pasta of all different sorts. All kinds o…

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Comfort Foods: Fried Chicken, Coleslaw & Apple Pie

As a derby athlete, you do your best to eat well and give your body the fuel it needs for the very best performance but, let's be real, sometimes we crave those comfort foods! Now, if your comfort food is a baked chicken breast with broccoli on the side, …

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How-to: Upper Body Warm-Up

Exercise: Upper Body Warm-Up and Mobility Sequence Do: Follow this sequence before doing heavy lifting or extensive upper body training. Don’t: Let your ribs poke forward during pass-throughs, pull-aparts, or cactus arms. Here’s the sequence:…

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Ask NoFair: No Meat Athlete – Where’s My Protein Coming From?

We're always cooking up new stuff at Derby in the Kitchen, so here's something brand new! Reader questions answered right here on the blog! As you know, we love hearing from you and we do our very best to answer any questions you might have in the commen…

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The Athlete’s Guide to Not Derailing Your Whole Plan When Fast Food Calls

You know when its mid-February and you're killing your meal plan, since you haven't had to attend any big holiday parties or events? Yeah, sticking to a healthy eating plan can be a lot easier when you're in the comfort of your own home. But sometimes we…

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bear crawl

How-to: Bear Crawls

Exercise: Bear Crawls Great for: warm up, coordination, core strength, shoulder strength. Do: Get on all fours, then just hover your knees above the ground. Crawl using opposite hand/foot. Keep your core braced and relatively still. Do: When going back…

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How-to: Engage your TVA

Exercise: Engage your Transverse Abdominis (TVA) Do: Hold for a count of eight, and repeat three times. This is a good beginning to any on-skate time or an agility or plyo workout, to get your core working for you. Do: Start easy and increase the force …

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How-to: Dead Bugs

Exercise: Dead Bugs Do: Keep your low back pressed HARD into the ground! Breathe out forcefully as you touch down. Go slowly. Don’t: Bicycle – it’s one leg at a time. Easier: n/a Harder:  1) Add arms in opposition – raise rig…

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How to Sneak Vegetables Into Everything

Ah, veggies! Nature's candy! It's often easy to get lots of veggies in the summer when things are in season and you can pop out to the garden, but what about in the middle of winter? How can you make sure that you're getting enough vegetables when all you…

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Down the Hatch: The Booze Post

Oh December!  Month of holiday parties, family gatherings, and the occasional overindulgence. You can find a ton of articles out there about how to manage your nutrition during the holidays - but what about the cocktails? Let's be realistic - some of u…

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How Do You Feed A Broken Heart? (Or actually, a broken leg or a torn ligament)

Derby injuries happen to all of us.  And we totally adapt our training to deal with whatever our current physical status is.  Booty has some awesome information about training while you're in recovery that I highly recommend you check out.  But what ab…

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Fabulous Fall Foods!

Sure, sure, it's easy to get excited about summer foods - all those bright colours and zesty flavour profiles. But what about all of the tasty treats that greet us at harvest time? Maybe a sweet potato isn't as sexy as a watermelon, but fall foods have a …

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Stew image via pixabay

Crock Pot Paleo

Ah, autumn!  Time for crunchy leaves, snuggly sweaters and pumpkin everything!  Also, time for me to bust out my crock pot and start cooking everything in it!  Since we just spent the last three weeks talking about how to save you time through meal pre…

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Meal Planning 101: Part 3 – The Noms

Our first and second posts addressed how to get started with meal prep and meal planning, and included some handy tips on making prep less of a chore. Let's get to the good stuff!  The recipes! Breakfast Batching! I shared my favourite egg muffin frit…

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Meal Planning 101: Part 2 – A Week in the Life

Meal Planning! It's super fun and awesome! Well, maybe not fun and awesome, but it is really, really important when you want to eat like an athlete.   Planning ahead saves you from making rash decisions because you've run out of time for dinner be…

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Meal Planning 101: Part One – The Basics

True story: I'm not perfect.Yep. I'll be the very first to admit that I rarely eat 6 macro-balanced meals per day. That style of eating is just not always viable for my real life. Nor is three squares always right for everyone. Or paleo, or intermittent f…

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Delish During Down-Time

Last post, we shared some easy healthy foods that were summery and that could be made quickly, since early summer can be prime game and tournament time. But what about later in the summer? When things are winding down and there are less games and practice…

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Simple Summer Snacks

It's summer (prime game and tournament season), so I'm sure your free time is at a premium.  Instead of stressing out about having time to make and prep healthy meals - summer is a great time to focus on simple dishes.  Here are a few of my favourites!…

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Photo Credit: Sparkly_Me via

Diet Deconstruction: What’s Booty Eating – Part Three

In our first post, we watched Booty track her food for two weeks, then I gave her heck about not eating enough and not getting enough protein.In our most recent post, we shared a normal day of meals for Booty and gave some quick tweaks that might make he…

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Diet Deconstruction: What’s Booty Eating – Part Two

In our last post here, Booty Quake put herself under the microscope, tracking her food intake for two weeks, and then I took her to task on not eating enough to support her athletic needs. You can check out Booty's experience tracking her food, and my a…

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Diet Deconstruction: What’s Booty Eating?

"You can't manage what you don't measure."With SO much information out there on various dietary strategies (like the ones we've been breaking down for you in our recent Derby in the Kitchen series), it can be really tough to know what to eat and when. T…

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Breaking Your Fast

So, how was Intermittent Fasting? Straight talk - Intermittent Fasting was really easy for me.  I spent much of my life skipping breakfast and lunch, then eating a big dinner.  To be honest, eating 6 meals a day would be FAR more challenging for me t…

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How-to: Body Tap Planks

Exercise: Body Tap Planks Do: Keep good plank form. Don’t: Sway side to side as you swap hands; or, let your butt rise up Easier: Go slow and steady. Harder: Elevate feet on a bench or chair. See also: Planks Back to all How-To Videos, in alpha…

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Intermittent Fasting

What does "Intermittent Fasting" Mean?Intermittent Fasting (IF, also called, in various permutations, The Warrior Diet, Lean Gains, 5:2, Eat Stop Eat) is an dietary intake pattern that has become popular in the last few years.  There is a period of fasti…

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How-to: Upper Body Warm-Up

Exercise: Upper Body Warm-Up and Mobility Sequence Do: Follow this sequence before doing heavy lifting or extensive upper body training. Don’t: Let your ribs poke forward during pass-throughs, pull-aparts, or cactus arms. Here’s the sequence:…

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How-to: Push-Up Progression

Exercise: Push-Up Progression A simple trick for progressing to a full push-up if you can’t do any (or very many) yet! Practice at your lowest comfortable hand position. Work up to where you’re comfortable with 3 sets of 10 to 15 reps at one …

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How-to: Upper Body Stretch

Exercise: Upper Body Stretch Sequence Do: Just follow along and hold each stretch for 30 seconds minimum! Here’s the list: Chest stretch on the wall (or door stretch) Door frame back stretch Forearm stretch – inside and outside Back to all …

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How-to: Hollow Body Holds + Rocks

Exercise: Hollow Body Holds, Hollow Body Rocks Do: Keep your low back pinned to the floor, engage your lats, glutes, and basically everything! Don’t: Crunch your chin to your chest. Easier: Knees bent to a tabletop position Harder: Arms overhead…

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Macro-Fueled Munchies!

So, what did I learn while Fitting My Macros?  Planning pays off! As with my other dietary experiments, I needed to have a good sense of what I planned to eat through the week to make sure I was hitting my targets.  To review, I was aiming for 46% c…

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Managing Your Macros

What does "If It Fits Your Macros" Mean?If It Fits Your Macros (IIFYM, also known as Flexible Dieting) has gotten pretty popular in the past couple of years.  First off - Macro refers to "macronutrient" - the carbohydrates, fats and proteins found in eve…

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Gluten-Free Grub

Let's talk some more about gluten-free meal-planning!For me, at least, eating gluten-free was very similar to eating paleo (but with extra cheese)!  It was a matter of re-examining familiar favourites and seeing how they could be made gluten-free, as wel…

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Going Gluten-Free!

For many people, eating gluten-free is a choice forced upon them by nature.  Currently, statistics suggest that 1% of the North American population suffers from Celiac Disease, and another 15% report some sort of gluten sensitivity.  As such, there's a …

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Vegan Vittles

Let's talk some more about veganism!Eating vegan was a challenge for me. In a cruel twist of fate, my experiment in vegan food started the same day that my 97lbs of ethically-sourced local beef was ready at the butchers. Suffice it to say, I had plenty…

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Plant-Based Power!

What is the Vegan Diet?Veganism means abstinence from the use of animal products - this can be dietary (not eating meat, eggs, dairy and other animal-derived food sources) and/or ethical (not using animal products of any sort).Just like everyone else, ve…

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Paleo Bites!

Let's dig a little deeper into the Paleo Diet!I, myself, recently finished a Whole 30 to see what the buzz was all about.  When I started and read the testimonials, I was impressed.  People were having all sorts of beneficial outcomes from changing to …

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Paleo Primer

To start off our New Year's Nutrition series - let's talk paleo!What is the Paleo Diet?Supporters claim that paleo is the healthiest way to and is "the ONLY nutritional approach that works with your genetics to help you stay lean, strong and energetic!…

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Pre-Hab: Build an All-Star Derby Booty

Hello All-Star! Some of this post is identical to the free, public post - but there are added goodies in here, and an extended video, so be sure to read through all the way!It’s time for a frank discussion about your butt.It’s lovely – really it i…

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Festive Feasts: How to Remix Your Recipes

Break out the elastic-waistband pants...It's December!  Time for friends, family, fun and festivity! This time of year can be filled with wonderful gatherings, awesome events, and tons of delicious party snacks, requiring the aforementioned sweatpants d…

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Keeping You Going – On the Go!

Food to-go doesn't have to come from the drive-through. With a tiny commitment of time, you can have super tasty, healthy meals, no matter how busy you are.Derby skaters are busy people and we don't always have tons of time for meal prep. A little bit of …

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All-Star Extra: Engage Your Core

 Hey there, All-Stars! :) Click here to go back to the main post with full explanation.[rda_video video_url=""]Print and take this with you: Pre-hab CORE PrintableHere’s the drill. This entire sequence will…

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Crushing Your Protein (Without the Shakes)!

We're starting to answer some of your questions from the All-Star group, so please keep those questions coming and we'll do our best to keep you fueled, fit and fantastic!When we asked about what you think you could use some help with in the kitchen, the …

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Champs Watching Party? Here’s How to Get Your Snack On!

So, all of us will be watching WFTDA Championships next weekend, enjoying some great derby and not really thinking out all the snacks we'll be scarfing...right?Well, with a little bit of advanced planning, we can make sure that our Champs-watching snacks …

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Energy bites - photo by Blue Raven

All-Star Recipe Contest Winners

Because we know you All-Stars have lots of great tricks up your sleeves, this week Lilith NoFair and I took the week off and let YOU do all the work :)We're happy to present the winners of our recipe contest! Blue Raven and BadBrand sent in some great rec…

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Roller Derby Athletics Bounce With Me HIIT Workout

All-Star Bounce With Me Workout

Hello,  All-Star!Is it time for a punch in the fitness? Does your regular gym routine need to drink an espresso and get a job? Can I get a What? What?Today's Bounce With Me workout will be short, sweet, and sweaty. It will pop, lock and roll, and defi…

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photo credit: Roller Derby Athletics

Pre-Workout Taste Test!

As we round off our recent Derby in the Kitchen series on sports supplementation, I'm here to taste- and experience-test a few different pre-workout formulae, so you don't have to![Because really, when else will I have a chance to offer my (live) body up…

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Post-Workout Supplements: Is Your Recovery Covered?

To wrap up our supplement series, let's talk about what you should be taking after you wrap up your training sessions - Post-Workout Recovery Supplements! What should you be looking for to maximize all of your hard work?  What sort of supplements will en…

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All-Star Get Schooled Workout

Choose this full body HIIT workout when you want to show your opponents who’s been studying their off-skates training. (Hint: IT’S YOU!) Sneak in a quick workout between classes, or go for a long one at lunch hour. Either way, your strength and en…

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Fish Oil!

I'm sure by now you've heard about it, but if it still conjures up ideas of grandma spooning out the cod liver oil, you might need to take another look at this staple supplement.What it is: Fish oil is oil. From fish. Generally, the best fish oils will c…

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The Gun Show – All-Star extras

 Hi All-Stars!Your printable handout is here! [rda_video video_url=""] â€¦

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Pre-Training Energizers!

We're all looking for that competitive edge before a game or practice. What can pre-training supplements offer? Are they sketchy? What do they do?What they are: There are a HUGE number of pre-workouts available on the supplement market, and that means a w…

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You might wonder why we're including curcumin in this series. It's not terribly well known, and its health claims range from helping with dementia to heart disease and cancer. Why would a healthy derby skater even care about this supplement? It's just cur…

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All-Star Top Ten Workout

I recently shared my  Top Ten Moves for Roller Derby on the blog, so I was inspired to put together an All-Star workout that incorporates them all! Obviously, this will target full body strength, and any roller derby workout worth its salt includes a bit…

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Creatine and BCAAs

Next up in our sports performance supplement series: Creatine and BCAAs!If you've ventured into the world of strength training, chances are you've started to hear about the wonders of supplementation in your diet. Two popular contenders for your supplemen…

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All-Star A Little Bit Softer Now Workout

As the name suggests, this low-impact workout is a little softer than our usual All-Star workouts, but it will target your overall strength and muscle endurance.  Don’t be fooled – just because it’s soft, doesn’t mean it’s n…

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How-to: Tuck Jumps – Advanced Variations

Exercise: Tuck Jumps – Advanced Variations Do: Get low to start every jump. Power up as high as possible and tuck both knees to chest. Attempt to stick the landing each time. Don’t: do these without a very good warm-up. Easier: take more re…

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How-to: Bench Dips

Exercise: Bench Dips (aka Chair Dips) Do: Keep shoulders down, elbows pointed back Don’t: let your shoulders hunch towards your ears. Easier: Place feet closer to your bench Harder: Elevate feet See also: Triceps Push-Ups, Triceps Roll-outs Back…

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How-to: Squat with Weight

Exercise: Squats with Weight Do: Keep weight in heels, maintain a slight curve in the lower back at the bottom position, keep chest and head lifted. Don’t: squat lower if you can’t maintain good form. Easier: Use lighter weight; use a Smit…

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How-to: Calf Raises with weight

Exercise: Weighted Calf Raises Do: Rise as high as possible; lower with control Don’t: drop down quickly without resistance. Easier: Use lighter weight; use a calf raise machine at the gym. Harder: Lift heavier weight. See also: Calf Raises (sin…

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How-to: Thrusters

Exercise: Thrusters Do: Drive up powerfully with legs and hips Don’t: separate the movement into a slow squat and a slow overhead press. Easier: Use lighter weight. Harder: Lift heavier weight (in the video I have 15 lb dumbbells in each hand) …

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How-to: Split Squat with Raised Leg

Exercise: Split Squat with Raised Back Leg Do: Place about 70% of your weight on the front foot. Drive through the heel of the front foot to rise up. Don’t: allow front knee to cave inward. Easier: Do standard split squats instead Harder: lift he…

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How-to: Lunges with Weight

Exercise: Weighted Lunge Do: Warm up with the bar only. Keep knees over toes. Drive through the heel of the front foot to rise up. Keep chest and head lifted. Don’t: allow front knee to cave inward, or take too large a step forward. Easier: Do …

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How-to: Deadlift and Romanian Deadlift

Exercise: Deadlift; Romanian Deadlift Do: Warm up with the bar only. Set up with weight in heels, bar touching shins, chest lifted, shoulders directly above the bar. Pull first, straighten knees second.  To lower, hinge at hips, then bend knees when ba…

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How-to: Box Jump Variations

Exercise: Box Jumps (Standard, Squat Box Jump, and Seated Box Jump) Do: Land with feet completely on the box, and come to a full standing position, before stepping down. Explode up with the highest jump possible. Don’t: hit your knuckles on the b…

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How-to: Side to Side Switches

Exercise: Side to Side Switches Do: Hold weight close to body, use core to control the movement, move quickly and sharply Don’t: swing the weight in large arcs or compensate with a wide stance. Easier: n/a Harder: go faster, use heavier weight. …

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How-to: Long Jump Tuck Jump

Exercise: Long Jump + Tuck Jump Combination Do: Spring up into the tuck jump quickly and vertically. Don’t: jump forward on the tuck jump. Easier: Separate the two jumps with a pause. Harder: n/a See also: Long Jump with Weight, Tuck Jumps, Advan…

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How-to: Long Jump with Weight

Exercise: Weighted Long Jumps Do: Swing the weight out in front of you, imagine it dragging you forward. Take it slow as you get used to the feeling. Don’t: look for height, or swing the weight above shoulder height. Easier: eliminate the weight …

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How-to: Heismans

Exercise: Heismans Do: Keep feet fast and light; use your abs to tuck and crunch toward your knee Don’t: look for height – the movements should be lateral Easier: go slower and more deliberately Harder: faster feet!To access this post, you…

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How-to: Lunge Stretch

Exercise: Lunge Stretch Do: Focus on tilting your pelvis under; keep your knees aligned with your ankles Don’t: let your front knee drive forward past your toes, or cave inward towards your centre line. Easier: Back knee resting on the floor. B…

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How-to: Lunge (Basic)

Exercise: Basic Lunge & Variations Do: Try lunging in different orientations; keep your knees aligned with your ankles; keep your head and chest lifted; drive through the front heel as you push back to standing. Don’t: let your front knee dr…

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How-to: TFL + IT Band + Hamstring stretch

Exercise: TFL + IT Band + Hamstring Stretch Do: Work with a friend or use a strap or band; Play around and find the angle of stretch that works best for you; hold the stretch for at least 30 seconds on each side. Don’t: stretch into pain – pu…

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How-to: Walking Lunge

Exercise: Walking Lunge Do: Keep head and shoulders lifted, drive up through your front heel Don’t: let your front knee drive forward past your toes, or cave inward towards your centre line. Easier: hold on to a wall for support, don’t be…

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Coconut Water

Sports performance! We all want more of it! There are all sorts of potions and supplements out there that will claim to boost the hard work we're doing on the track - but what really works and what's a scam?Since Booty and I only want what's best for you,…

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Eating on the Road

Derby season is in full swing, and you all know what that means - Road trips! Tournaments! No spare time!We've covered pre and post practice (and game) eating tips, and what to eat when you're at the arena (during practice or throughout a tournament week…

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Ask Booty – A Little Unstable?

Q. I need help with my stability! I'm a petite skater, and I've been working on bending my knees and digging my skates into the ground, but it just isn't working. I see these solid rocks coming towards me, so I bear down and feel that I'm going to be as s…

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I’ve Got Practice – What Should I Eat? (Part Three)

We've talked about what to eat before and after practice, but what about those crazy long pre-game practices, or double-header days, or tournaments?  What should you bring with you to the arena on game day, other than your gear and killer instinct? Her…

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All-Star Burpee Pyramid Workout

More Pyramid action! This week’s workout is super effective for focusing in on cardio and core fitness. The great thing about pyramids is that you can make them as simple or intense as you need, so take note of the modifications below! You need: A m…

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All-Star Pyramid Workout

Hey there, All-Star! First off, an extra special thanks to each of YOU, the All-Stars, for being a part of Roller Derby Athletics. I'm honoured to be part of your training, and I thrive on making you stronger and fiercer, every day. BIG LOVE!! And with t…

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All-Star Feel the Burn AMRAP Workout

Hey there, All-Star! This week’s we’ve got an AMRAP workout, which stands for As Many Rounds As Possible. It’s perfect for when you want to shake up your regular training routine and really feel like you’ve accomplished something. …

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I’ve Got Practice – What Should I Eat? (Part One)

As a derby skater, you're probably almost always at practice. We all know that we need to eat well so that we can give our absolute best each time we hit the rink, but what does that mean? What should I eat before practice? There's no ONE right answer. …

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Operation: Hydration

Yeah, yeah, yeah. We all know that we should probably drink more water. We say it to ourselves a few times a year, make plans to up our intake, and then usually forget about it. Water's not flashy - it doesn't promise you super-hero-like performance or in…

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Recipes for a Good Morning

As you know, we've been running a nutrition challenge for February - The (RDA) Breakfast Club! Most of the activity has been kickin' it on our private Facebook group, but for posterity's sake, and for those All-Stars who didn't join the challenge, we wan…

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All-Star Jump Jive and Roll Video Workout

Hey there, All-Star!  Get ready to get down! And then get back up again. This is a high-intensity interval workout that focuses on endurance, core strength and leg strength. Each interval switches between cardio/legs and core, so you're sure not to get …

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Switch a Grain for a Green!

Carbs!  They're not the devil!  But we can still be mindful when it comes to our intake.  Here are some ways to swap out some high-calorie, low-return options for some more nutrient dense fare. Swap Your Noodles for Veggies! There are many easy ways…

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Holiday Hints

It's that time of year again - the festive season! A time of feasting and fun with family and friends. A time where maybe sometimes, some of us, overindulge a tiny, little bit.  It's the holidays. There will be parties. There will be drinks, hors d'oeu…

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Killer Core 251 All-Star Extras

Hi All-Star! Here’s your bonus material for the Killer Core 251 workout! Check out the printable PDF for modifications and suggestions. Here’s the full-length workout that you can follow along with! [rda_video video_url="//…

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How-to: Sideways Stairs

Exercise: Sideways Stairs Do: Use “outside” and “inside” leg equally, & remember to swap sides every flight of stairs or two. Don’t: forget to get low and attack the stairs like a speed skaterTo access this post, you m…

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How-to: Wall Sit

Exercise: Wall Sits, and one-leg wall sits Do: Maintain a 90 degree bend in the knee When testing your single leg wall sit, get into a 2-leg sitting position, and start your timer when you lift one foot off the ground. Don’t: rest your upper body…

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How-to: Skater Strides

Exercise: Skater Strides Do: Stay low throughout, keep head and chest lifted, use arms like a speed skater Don’t: bob up and down, or half-ass it and wind up looking like a tap dancer :)To access this post, you must purchase Sun's Out Guns Out Chal…

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How-to: Single Leg Squat

Exercise: Single Leg Squat Do: Engage your core, shoot for a 90 degree bend, try different leg positions Don’t: let your shoulders and head do all the lowering! Easier: hold on to a wall or counter for support Harder: get lower!To access this p…

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How-to: Single Leg Dead Lift

Exercise: Single Leg Dead Lift, aka SLDL or 1LDL Do: Engage your core, hinge your torso and leg as a unit, send your hips backward and weight over your heel Don’t: use the same forward arm as your supporting leg!  Easier: n/a Harder: Add a dumbb…

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How-to: Isometric Stride Push

Exercise: Isometric Stride Push Do: Get low, try to push the wall right over!To access this post, you must purchase Sun's Out Guns Out Challenge.…

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How-to: Frog Jumps

Exercise: Frog Jumps Do: Jump for distance, not height, try to minimize the number of hops backward you need to get back to your starting pointTo access this post, you must purchase Sun's Out Guns Out Challenge.…

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How-to: Duck Walk

Exercise: Duck Walks Do: Take long, low strides Don’t: Pop up between steps Easier: Shorter sustained periods of walking Harder: Keep going! quack!To access this post, you must purchase Sun's Out Guns Out Challenge.…

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How-to: Cross-Under Swipes

Exercise: Cross-Under Swipes Do: Bend your supporting leg; keep a flexed foot with instep facing the sky on your follow-through; adjust your pressure, surface, and footwear to make the exercise doable but challenging Don’t: forget to “rea…

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How-to: Cross-Under Squats

Exercise: Cross-Under Squats Do: Keep head and chest lifted, get hips down low, reach far across with the back leg Don’t: take miniature steps, or only bend forward at the waist instead of bending from the kneesTo access this post, you must purch…

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How-to: Chair Step-Up

Exercise: Chair Step-Ups & Step-Up / Cross-Under Combos* Do: Drive through your heel, all the way up Don’t: Get only halfway up Easier: Standard step up Harder: Double-time, Up and Over variations *check out the Cross-Under squat video for …

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How-to: Calf Raises

Exercise: Calf Raises Do: Rise and lower with control; distribute weight evenly across the balls of your feet. Don’t: let your heels splay out to the sides. Easier: hold on to a wall for stabiity Harder: one-leg calf raises; add weightTo access …

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A Quick Guide to Gluten

In our last post, we talked about why carbohydrates are still important to athletic performance.  We also mentioned that even though you still need carbs (and starchy ones at that), the typical North American diet contains too many of the processed varie…

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Why You Still Need Carbs

There are many rumblings out there about carbs - Carbs are the devil!  Carbs are making you fat!  Carbs are inflammatory!   But what's true and what's just hype? First, what are carbohydrates? Carbohydrates are chemical compounds composed of carbon…

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No Hands! All-Star Extras

Hello All-Stars! Here is your exclusive real-time version of this video - great for if you want to follow along step by step with me in doing this session!  [rda_video video_url="//"] Here is the abbreviated workout vid…

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Bulletproof Coffee – Can your Kitchen Handle It?

Hi All-Stars! In our ongoing Derby in the Kitchen series on healthy fats, Lilith NoFair introduced us to this bizzarro "bulletproof coffee" fad out there for ditching the cream and sugar in favour of adding BUTTER to your morning joe instead. As your hu…

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Bulletproof Coffee: Worth the Hype?

Do you love coffee? Are you always on the search for the most delicious way to brew it or the best espresso joint in town? Well, instead of adding your normal cream and sugar next time, perhaps you should try putting some butter in your coffee. Yes that's…

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How to Get Lower – is it your Achilles?

Q. What is the best way to stretch the Achilles tendon to help with getting lower? – anonymous A.  AHA!! This is a trick question! I can give you stretches to lengthen your calf (of which the achilles is one of the attachment points), but it is my …

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All-Star Tuna Burgers

Hi All-Stars! Lilith NoFair first introduced us to this recipe - along with a few others - in her All-Star-only article, High Protein Recipes that Aren't Just Steak!  And she talked some more about healthy fats, in particular Omega-3 fats found in fish,…

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Fueling Up with Fats!

Now that we've learned a little bit about what comprises dietary fat; which ones we should be getting more of and which ones we should be steering clear of, let's add some healthy fats into our diets! For me, incorporating more fat isn't about whole ne…

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3 Fabulous Fats (and 1 Not So Great One)

Just in case you haven’t heard (though I’m sure you have), DIETARY FAT DOESN’T MAKE YOU FAT.  In fact, we need healthy fats in our diet for our systems to function properly.  Fats help our bodies to support the growth of body tissues (including th…

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Super-Plyo All-Star Extras

Hello All-Stars! Here is your exclusive real-time version of this video - great for if you want to follow along step by step with me in doing this session! Do note that you need a little bit of space for some of these - especially the frog hops in part 1…

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High Protein Recipes: Powder Edition

High protein recipe installment number two! In our lasts protein posts, we learned about the components of protein , talked about protein powders, and cooked with whole proteins. Now, let's learn about cooking with protein powder. Adding protein powd…

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High-Protein Recipes That Aren’t Just Steak

So far, we've learned about what protein is and what it does, we've examined and tested out some whey supplements and vegan protein powders, so all that's left is to take our new knowledge and turn it into delicious food. Since you likely already know ho…

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Protein Taste Test #2: Wheighing in on Whey

In our last few posts, we've been talking about protein pretty extensively, and Lilith NoFair has been giving you the cold hard facts on protein and supplements... but what about the taste? Last week NoFair used human experiment subjects (TCRD teammates…

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Protein Taste Test #1: Vegan

In our last few posts, we've been talking about protein pretty extensively, and Lilith NoFair has been giving you the cold hard facts on protein and supplements... but what about the taste? NoFair has conscripted some of her TCRD teammates to be our gui…

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Pre-Hab! Stability Training All-Star extras

Hey there, All-Stars! Here's your extra content on this one - download this PDF handout that summarizes the exercises I showed in the video! Print it out, take it with you, put it under your pillow... :) Pre-hab Stability Handout xo Booty Quake  â€¦

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Finding your inner (thigh) Suzanne Somers

Q. I need exercises that strengthen my hip abductors and adductors. Can you let me know which one of your awesome workouts has exercises that hit these muscle groups?Thanks! – Vile Love It A.  Great question, Vile! Adductors and Abductors are supe…

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‘Sup with Supplements?

In our last post, we talked about what protein is, how much you need, and where to get it.   Invariably, when you start talking about protein, the topic of protein supplementation comes up.  We all know that we should hit our protein numbers, but how m…

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How-to: Bird Dog on a Ball

Exercise: Bird Dog on a Ball Do: engage your back, abs and glutes throughout; keep your neck in a neutral position Don't: overextend, arch your back [rda_video video_url="//"]   Click here to see all the How-To Vid…

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Protein Pro-Tips

SKATERS, let’s talk about protein... What is protein? Protein is one of your three major macronutrients (Protein, Fat, Carbohydrates), and it's made up of groups of amino acids linked into peptide chains.  Generally, we tend to overdo it on carbohydr…

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How-to: Forward Lean-Over Lunge

Exercise: Forward Lean-Over Lunge Do: Take a big enough step forward that your back leg is fairly straight; push through your heel to “spring” back to the starting position Don’t: let your front knee “cave in” towards your c…

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How-to: Seated Marching on a Ball

Exercise: Seated Marching on a Ball Do: Go slowly, check your form in a mirror Don’t: Allow the ball to roll or dip from side to side as you march; rush through Easier: No arms Harder: Add arm raises   Click here to see all the How-To Videos&#…

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How-to: Seated Hip Tilts and Swivels

Exercise: Seated Hip Tilts and Swivels Do: Go slowly, with control, using small movements Don’t: rush   Click here to see all the How-To Videos…To access this post, you must purchase Sun's Out Guns Out Challenge.…

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How-to: Russian Twists

Exercise: Russian Twists (with a ball) Do: Keep a flat back, keep hips relatively still so that knee caps remain aligned Easier: Sit up at a more upright angle Harder: add weight   Click here to see all the How-To Videos…To access this post, y…

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How-to: Agility Hops

Exercise: Agility Hops Variations: Front/back, Side-side with feet together; side-side one foot at a time Do: Wear shoes! Use something soft as an obstacle, e.g a rolled towel or t-shirt. Move feet quickly Easier: Go slow Harder: Move quickly! Extend your…

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How-to: Ab Leg Lifts & Scissors

Exercise: Ab Leg Lifts & Scissor Leg Variation Do: Lower with control, keep your low back in contact with the mat, use your abs to lift and lower. Don’t: Do if you have low back problems, allow your body to move around during the leg movement Ea…

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How-to: Reverse Leg-Lifts on a Ball

Exercise: Reverse Leg-Lifts on a Ball Do: engage your back and glutes throughout; keep your neck in a neutral position Don’t: overextend your legs, arch your back Easier: One leg at a time   Click here to see all the How-To Videos…To acce…

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How-to: Crossover Twists with a Ball

Exercise: Crossover Twists with a Ball Do: Keep your shoulders in contact with the mat Don’t: rush, or twist further than you can with control   Click here to see all the How-To Videos…To access this post, you must purchase Sun's Out Gun…

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How-to: Pass The Ball Situps

Exercise: Pass The Ball Situps Do: Keep head lifted, keep low back in contact with the mat at all times Don’t: Rush Easier: only lower your legs to 45 degrees Harder: lower your legs to within inches of the floor   Click here to see all the Ho…

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How-to: Clamshells

Exercise: Clamshells Do: Line up your shoulders, hips, and heels on a straight line Don’t: Race through the reps   Click here to see all the How-To Videos…To access this post, you must purchase Sun's Out Guns Out Challenge.…

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How-to: Bicycle Situps

Exercise: Bicycle Situps Do: Go slowly, keep your lower torso still, twist strongly Don’t: Go fast, “flail” Easier: keep your outstretched foot higher Harder: lower your outstretched foot closer to the ground   Click here to see all…

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How-to: Balance with Eyes Closed

Exercise: One-Foot Balance with Eyes Closed ** if you touch your foot down during your time, just keep going, no need to re-start your timer! Do: Go barefoot! Tighten your core to improve your balance Don’t: put your hands on your hips or touch your…

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How-to: Chair Squats

Exercise: Chair Squats Do: Lower with control, keep your supporting knee pointed straight forward over your toe Don’t: Drop heavily into the chair; allow your supporting knee to cave inward Easier: use a higher platform (bed, arm of a couch), or do …

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How-to: Burpees & Variations

Exercise: Burpees Variations:Half Burpees, Squat Thrusts Do: Hit all the ‘stops’ with good form: Squat, plank, push-up, squat-jump Don’t: Rush through it and sacrifice form   Click here to see all the How-To Videos…To access …

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How-to: Bridges & Variations

Exercise: Bridges Variations: Basic, One leg, Marching, One leg with a Kick Do: Keep hips level and as still as possible. Engage your abs and glutes before lifting your hips Don’t: Allow hips to dip side to side Easier / Harder: The variations are …

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How-to: Leg Circles

Exercise: Leg Circles Do: Keep your trunk as still as possible; keep circles small enough to allow this control. Easier: smaller circles Harder: larger range of motion   Click here to see all the How-To Videos…To access this post, you must pur…

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How-to: Bird Dog

Exercise: Bird Dog Do: Go slowly, keep your hips and shoulders as still as possible Don’t: Overextend arm/leg above parallel to the floor Easier: only do one leg or one arm at a time Harder: n/a   Click here to see all the How-To Videos…T…

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How-to: Flying Plank Push-Up

Exercise: Flying Plank Push-Up Do: Keep your hips neutral – flat line from your head down to your heels; do a full push-up; try to keep your hips and shoulders square to the floor when doing the “flying” Don’t: Allow your hips to r…

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How-to: Fire Hydrants

Exercise: Fire Hydrants Do: Keep hips and torso as still as possible Don’t: arch your back, lift your hip, or look down   Click here to see all the How-To Videos…To access this post, you must purchase Sun's Out Guns Out Challenge.…

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How-to: Lunge Jumps

Exercise: Lunge Jumps Do: Jump high! Keep your chest and head lifted Don’t: Allow your front knee to cave in towards centre, or push forward past your toes Easier: Go slower, step between positions instead of jumping Harder: n/a   Click here to…

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How-to: High Knees

Exercise: High Knees Do: Get your knees high! Don’t: look down, let your chest and shoulders sag Easier: fewer reps, go more slowly Harder: step quickly   Click here to see all the How-To Videos…To access this post, you must purchase Sun'…

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How-to: Good Mornings

Exercise: Good Mornings Do: Keep head lifted, focus on sending hips backwards Don’t: Let your weight move forward into your toes Easier: n/a Harder: add weight   Click here to see all the How-To Videos…To access this post, you must purcha…

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How-to: Prisoner Get-Ups

Exercise: Prisoner Get-Ups Do: take your time, and hit all the “Stops”: 1) lie down 2) sit up 3) tuck your knee under 4) rise to kneeling 5) stand up Easier: Use your hands to support Harder: Add weight   Click here to see all the Ho…

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How-to: Mountain Climbers & Spidermans

Exercise: Mountain Climbers and Spidermans For Mountain Climbers, bring your knees straight in towards your chest without touching your front foot to the floor; for Spidermans, bring your front foot to the outside of your hand and transfer your weight to …

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How-to: Power Push-Ups

Exercise: Power Push-Ups Do: practice good plank and push-up form Don’t: allow your hips to rise or sag Easier: Do push-ups from your knees Harder: n/a   Click here to see all the How-To Videos…To access this post, you must purchase Sun's…

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How-to: I, Y, & Tees

Exercise: I, Y, & Tees Do: Engage your core and glutes throughout, keep the motions small Don’t: overdo the pulsing motion Easier: take rests Harder: add small hand weights   Click here to see all the How-To Videos…To access this pos…

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How-to: Plank – Elbows to Hands

Exercise: Plank – Elbows to Hands Do: Follow all the good form advice for a standard plank; remember to alternate which arm leads   Click here to see all the How-To Videos…To access this post, you must purchase Sun's Out Guns Out Challeng…

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How-to: Penguins

Exercise: Penguins Do: feel it in your oblique muscles (either side of your trunk) Don’t: roll your shoulders up side to side – keep them roughly parallel to the floor   Click here to see all the How-To Videos…To access this post, …

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How-to: Plank

Exercise: Plank Do: Keep hips in line with heels and the crown of your head, keep arms “pulled out” of their shoulder sockets Don’t: drop or raise hips, sink into your shoulders Easier: plank from the elbows on all fours Harder: from the…

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How-to: Lunge Twist

Exercise: Lunge Twist Do: Practice good lunge form – front knee tracking straight over your supporting ankle Don’t: Allow front knee to “cave in” towards centre or come past your toes Easier: Keep arms closer to your body Harder: A…

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How-to: Push-Ups

Exercise: Push-Ups Do: Place hands slightly wider than shoulder width apart, point elbows about 45 degrees away from your torso, get to a 90 degree bend in your elbows at the bottom position Don’t: allow your hips to rise up or sag Easier: do push-…

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How-to: V-Sit

Exercise: V-Sit Do: keep head and chest lifted, try to keep a flat low back Don’t: round your back Easier: support yourself with hands behind your knees Harder: longer balances   Click here to see all the How-To Videos…To access this post…

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How-to: Side Lunge

Exercise: Side Lunge Do: Keep weight in your heel, hips pointing back; spring back to the starting position Don’t: Look down Easier: n/a Harder: Add weight   Click here to see all the How-To Videos…To access this post, you must purchase S…

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How-to: Side Lifts

Exercise: Side Lifts Do: Align your head, butt, and heels in one straight line Don’t: Look down at your feet   Click here to see all the How-To Videos…To access this post, you must purchase Sun's Out Guns Out Challenge.…

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How-to: Roll-Ups

Exercise: Roll-Ups Do: Rise and lower with control; engage your abs; focus on tucking your pelvis under before starting the roll-down Don’t: use momentum; forget to breathe! Easier: use hands to support you Harder: n/a   Click here to see all t…

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How-to: Sumo Squats & Variations

Exercise: Sumo Squats Variations: Sumo-Squat-Tiptoe, Sumo Squat Pulses Do: Rotate your legs from the hip, use adductors (inner thighs) and glutes (booty) to hold this rotation throughout Don’t: Turn your feet out further than your hip flexibility al…

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How-to: Push-Ups on a Ball

Exercise: Push-Ups on a Ball Variations: FOB Push-ups; FOB single-leg push-ups; HOB push-ups from the knees; HOB push-ups (lowering motion only); HOB full push-ups Do: Practice good standard push-up form Don’t: Allow your shoulders to rise towards y…

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How-to: Rollover & Situp

Exercise: Rollover & Situp Do: Use your core muscles to roll you over Don’t: use your hands or feet to roll yourself; use momentum to rise up to the situp Easier: Use hands to support yourself in the situp Harder: n/a   Click here to see a…

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How-to: Praying Mantis Plank

Exercise: Praying Mantis Plank Do: Return to good plank form between each rep Easier: Touch outstretched foot to floor near hand, instead of touching hand & foot in the air; or leave both hands in place and just reach your foot out.   Click here…

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How-to: Supermans

Exercise: Supermans (to be grammatically correct, should this be Supermen? Or better yet, maybe Superwomen?!) Do: engage your core and glutes before lifting up to hover Don’t: raise hands and feet too high, creating an arch in your back   Click…

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How-to: Sumo Push-Ups

Exercise: Sumo Push-Ups Do: Take a wide stance with feet and hands; practice good push-up form Don’t: allow hips to sag or to rise up into a pike position Easier: do the push-ups from your knees Harder: n/a   Click here to see all the How-To V…

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How-to: Split Squat

Exercise: Split Squat Do: Keep chest lifted, stance wide enough that both knees bend to 90 degrees but no further Don’t: Allow your front knee to cave inward Easier: n/a Harder: add weight   Click here to see all the How-To Videos…To acc…

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How-to: Lizard Planks

Exercise: Lizard Planks Do: allow your hips and shoulders to twist with the side knee movement Don’t: let your hips rise up into a pike position Easier: take rests Harder: n/a   Click here to see all the How-To Videos…To access this post…

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How-to: Skater Jumps & Hops

Exercise: Skater Jumps Variation: Skater Jumps & Hops Do: Take speed skater posture, low and bent at the waist. Jump wide and low. For the jump+hop variation, get as much air under your toes on the Hop as you can! Don’t: Pop up and over; tran…

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How-to: Planks with Knee Tucks (FOB)

Exercise: Planks with Feet on the Ball & Knee Tucks Do: Initiate the movement by lifting your hips up Easier: straight knee tucks Harder: Side to side knee tucks   Click here to see all the How-To Videos…To access this post, you must purcha…

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How-to: Tuck Jumps

Exercise: Tuck Jumps Do: Get your knees UP! Land with soft knees Don’t: try these before being well warmed up Easier: take small stutter jumps in between each tuck jump Harder: jump higher, go faster   Click here to see all the How-To Videos&#…

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How-to: Triceps Push-Up

Exercise: Triceps Push-Up Do: Keep elbows tucked to your sides, practice good push-up form Don’t: allow hips to sag or rise up into a piked position Easier: From the knees Harder: Elevate your feet on a step, bench or chair   Click here to see…

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How-to: Hamstring Curls on a ball

Exercise: Hamstring Curls on a ball (FOB) Variations: 2 legs, 2-to-1, single leg Do: Keep hips lifted Easier: 2 legs; take more rests Harder: single leg variations   Click here to see all the How-To Videos…To access this post, you must purchas…

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How-to: Planks with Single Knee Tucks on a Ball

Exercise: Planks with Single Knee Tucks on a Ball (HOB) Do: Try to keep as still as possible in your upper body and trunk Modification: do this from the ground, or with your elbows on the ball if you have wrist pain   Click here to see all the How-…

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How-to: Walking Push-up

Exercise: Walking Push-up Do: Practice good push-up form Don’t: Allow hips to pike up or sag Easier: Do pushups from your knees; step hand and foot one at a time instead of simultaneously Harder: n/a   Click here to see all the How-To Videos&#…

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How-to: Planks on a Ball

Exercise: Planks on a Ball Variations: Feet on the Ball (FOB) and Hands on the ball (HOB) Do: Keep a straight line from the crown of your head to your heels Don’t: allow hips to sag or rise, or sink into your shoulder sockets Don’t: attempt th…

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How-to: Lateral Roll on a Ball

Exercise: Lateral Roll on a Ball Variations: Iron Cross, Charlie’s Angels Do: Keep hips lifted Don’t: Easier: Iron cross variation Harder: Charlie’s Angels variation   Click here to see all the How-To Videos…To access this pos…

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How-to: High Bridge with Marching on a Ball

Exercise: High Bridge with Marching on a Ball Do: Keep hips lifted, keep torso as still as possible Don’t: let hips sag Easier: no arms Harder: with arms   Click here to see all the How-To Videos…To access this post, you must purchase Su…

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How-to: Bridge – Feet on a Ball

Exercise: Bridge – Feet on a Ball (FOB)   Click here to see all the How-To Videos…To access this post, you must purchase Sun's Out Guns Out Challenge.…

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How-to: Roll-downs on a Ball

Exercise: Roll-downs on a Ball Do: Roll slowly and with control, initiate the roll-down by tucking your pelvis under Don’t: Start sitting in the centre of the ball, or go too quickly Harder: Raise one arm at a time as shown  To access this post…

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How-to: Swimming on a Ball

Exercise: Swimming on a Ball Do: Maintain a straight line from head to heels, keep your neck neutral, engage your abdominal muscles Don’t: Overextend/arch your back, look up or look down   Click here to see all the How-To Videos… Click…

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How-to: CoreBuilder Stretching Sequence

Exercise: CoreBuilder Stretching Sequence Do: Perform this sequence after every CoreBuilder workout!   Click here to see all the How-To Videos…To access this post, you must purchase Sun's Out Guns Out Challenge.…

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How-to: Tabletop Rollout on a Ball

Exercise: Tabletop Rollout on a Ball Do: Go slowly, with control; bend at the hips; keep your neck neutral Don’t: pitch forward at the hips as though in a plank   Click here to see all the How-To Videos…To access this post, you must pur…

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How-to: Tricep Rollout on a Ball

Exercise: Tricep Rollout on a Ball Do: Maintain a plank position and neutral neck position Don’t: Pop back up to the starting position (go slowly instead)   Click here to see all the How-To Videos…To access this post, you must purchase…

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How-to: Side Plank

Exercise: Side Plank Variations: from elbow or from hand; arm lifted; leg lifted; both arm and leg lifted Do: Align your head, hips, and heels in a straight line Don’t: Look at your feet Easier: hand on hip, from the elbow Harder: Variations are li…

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Fitting in fitness when you’re not a morning person

Q. What is the best time of day to exercise if you are not a morning person? Should I get up and push through to do a session before work?  Or is it better for me to do afternoon or evening workouts? – Holli Hipkiss A.  Sounds cheesy, but the most …

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How to self-motivate when life gets in the way?

Q. What helps you stay motivated to work out, or pushes you to work out, when life things get crazy and overwhelming? - Trudy Bauchery A.  When I’m struggling against the deepest, most primal urges to lie on the couch with a glass of wine, dark choc…

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What to do if you hate running?

Q. Booty, can I get more awesome without running or jogging (except as warm up)? - Lyndall A. Heck yeah, Lyndall! So glad you asked. Lots of skaters have trouble with running. Some of us have cranky old aches and pains, others have body types that donâ€â€¦

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How-to: Squats & Squat Jump Variations

Exercise: Squats Variations: Squat Jumps, Squat Jump + Tuck Jump Do: Send hips back first, keep chest and head lifted. For jumping variations, do land with soft knees! Don’t: allow weight forward into your toes; look down Easier: If you can’t…

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How-to: Walkout Push-ups on a Ball

Exercise: Walkout Push-ups on a Ball Do: Maintain a plank position and neutral neck position; alternate which hand leads the march   Click here to see all the How-To Videos…To access this post, you must purchase Sun's Out Guns Out Challenge.…

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