Confidence Challenge #2 –

Posted on: June 8th 2017

Finding your Strengths as an Athlete

Remember that…
Self-awareness, perseverance, and reflection are key to improving your self-confidence!

  • You need to be aware of how your body reacts (thoughts, feelings, and actions). If you don’t know what confidence feels like, then how will you know if you achieve it?
  • Confidence doesn’t automatically increase. We will all face our ups and downs. We need to stay positive and focus on overcoming the challenges.
  • Reflection helps with tracking progress. It helps us make adjustments and modifications to our current situation.

Find Your Strengths – recap:

The first step focused on finding those moments where you felt powerful and unstoppable: the moments or actions when you felt full confidence in yourself. Your goal was to find out what action or activities make you feel strong! These can form Confidence Boosters that we will keep coming back to throughout the challenge.

Finding Your Strengths as an Athlete

Hopefully you have a better understanding of what confidence means to you. If not, keep working on it! There is no timeline. Self-awareness and reflection is a process.

The next step in this challenge is to find your strengths as an athlete! You need to make a list of all of your strengths as a roller derby athlete.

The purpose of this activity is to a) find more Confidence Boosters that you can use on a daily basis to get a boost; and b) understand what confidence means to you!

Your list can include:

  • Technical skating skills (strides, footwork, etc.)
  • Blocking or jammer specific skills
  • Leadership qualities
  • Past sporting experiences
  • Communication skills
  • Fitness or Physical ability

Be proud of that list! That list is who you are. It doesn’t matter what you want to improve on, think about the strengths that you already have. Take the time to write your list down somewhere that you can come back to. If you want to share your list with the group, (OR THE WORLD!) tag it with the hashtag #ShowYourStrength.

Throughout the rest of the challenge don’t forget to use these Daily Confidence Boosters to remind yourself of how strong you are.

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