Confidence Challenge #3

Posted on: June 10th 2017

Confidence Challenge

One week down! Last week was all about building up our confidence. We know that we all have our own individual strengths, as well as personal moments that boost our confidence.  Challenge #3 is all about taking what we learned and applying it to roller derby.


Find Your Strengths – recap:

Your accomplishments so far:

  • Understood what confidence means to you! (how you act-feel-think)
  • Found at least 3 Confidence Boosters
  • Tried using these Confidence Boosters on a DAILY basis
  • Acknowledged your strengths as a roller derby athlete.

Some of those tasks above were not easy to accomplish, and that in itself should boost your confidence knowing that you met those challenges.


“I am a Strong Athlete”

Now it’s time to connect your confidence to roller derby. In this challenge, you will need to create a Pre-practice Confidence Routine. The purpose of this routine is to help boost your confidence in your roller derby abilities. Plus it can help change your mindset and perspective on practices.

Your Pre-Practice Confidence Routine should include:

  • Two of your Confidence Boosters
  • Reading your List of Strengths

Your routine should start as soon as you enter the building: how will you carry yourself? Do you talk to yourself before heading in? The routine could end as soon as you’re geared up, or after you take a few laps / after your individual warm up. Every league/ team practice is structured differently, so adapt your routine accordingly.

Example of my Routine:

  • I will take a deep breath and stand up tall as I walk through the door of the building
  • As I walk to my spot, I will tell myself a goal for practice. “Today I am going to …”
  • As I am gearing up, I will listen to music to keep me calm and focussed.
  • I will change my music selection when I am warming up to something that will pump me up.
  • After warm up, I’ll put my music away and let myself be “Unstoppable”

Remember that this is YOUR Pre-Practice Confidence Routine. Make it your own! Share your routines with the hashtag #ShowYourStrength.

>> Hop back to the Confidence Challenge Home Base

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