Confidence Challenge #6

Posted on: June 22nd 2017

Time for a recap on our Confidence Challenge journey thus far…

At the beginning of the challenge you were asked to:

  • Reflect on what confidence means to you! (how you act-feel-think)
  • Create and use Confidence Boosters on a DAILY basis
  • Acknowledge your strengths as a roller derby athlete

Through these tasks you were able to develop:

  • a Pre-practice Confidence Boosting Routine that included two Confidence Boosters and reading your List of Strengths 

Then you were asked to reflect on the moments as an athlete where your confidence drops. These are your Confidence Killers.

  • Using the Confidence Killers Reflection Worksheet from #4, you learned what’s happening to you during these specific moments (thoughts-feelings-actions)

Next, we dove deeper into the way we talk to ourselves. It’s not uncommon for athletes to engage in negative self-talk when Confidence Killers strike. Using the Strong Inner Voice Worksheet from #5,you practiced re-framing your thoughts into positive self-talk thoughts.

Powerful Routines

If you know that there are specific situations where your Confidence Killers show their ugly heads, you need to anticipate that this will happen. In this challenge, you will create Powerful Routines that will help you get your confidence back on track. Preparing and practicing a routine will make it easier to implement when faced with a Confidence Killer.

Your Powerful Confidence Routine should include:

  • Confidence Boosters
  • Positive Self-Talk  / Reframing Your Thoughts

It might include other techniques such as Relaxation Techniques or Activation Techniques.

An example of a routine can be found here. One of my Confidence Killers was getting multiple penalties in a short period of time. I created this routine that I would use any time I received a penalty. The routine gave me control over the situation.

Examine your Confidence Killers Reflection Worksheet to see what types of routines you can create.


  • Keep it Simple (few steps)
  • Keep it Short (time)
  • Know YOUR Needs
  • Practice your routine
  • Own your routine! Your Powerful Routine is there to boost your confidence in this situation.

Remember that this is YOUR Powerful Routine to overcome your Confidence Killers . Make it your own!

Your assignment:

Write down your Powerful Routine, and then practice it. Feel free to share the steps of your routine in our Facebook Challenge group!

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